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Roman SusilRoman Susil wrote at 19. 11. 2024, 09:18:
Thank you Linda Simpson for your entry. Could you please provide us the link (s) once added to your web?
Roman SusilRoman Susil wrote at 19. 11. 2024, 09:16:
Thank you Tedd Roberts for your kind words, we appreciate it! May I ask you what brought you to our web? Was anyone from the battle participants any of your relatives?
Linda SimpsonLinda Simpson from Wilson, OK wrote at 05. 09. 2024, 05:09:
Read an article in the Stars and Stripes, we will be writing memorials for all the fallen from the Battle of the White Carpathians.

Thank you so much for all you have done.
Ted RobertsTed Roberts from Kitty Hawk NC USA wrote at 04. 02. 2023, 19:24:
I’ve been digging for information about this for days. I’ve found stuff here and there. But This Is the Mother Load!! Thank you!!!
seesulRoman Susil wrote at 09. 02. 2021, 15:55:
Thank you Ken for your nice words! Teaching a history is very important to let the younger generations know the price of today's freedom. We can learn only from history.
Ken MyersKen Myers from Fort Gibson wrote at 07. 11. 2020, 04:33:
Thank you for the work in putting up this site. This is my first visit here and I look forward to studying this site to add to my knowledge of WW II and the people who sacrificed so much. My Wife and I collect WW II items and firearms, and when I teach safety classes for firearms I always bring some to the range. I love to teach people about what our parents and grandparents faced. Thank you again
seesulRoman Susil wrote at 16. 07. 2020, 10:28:
Greetings Alex and thank you for your entry. Do you know Jim Downs' book "USS Tragedy In Slovakia"? It describes the whole OSS mission led by Lt. Holt Green. I got this book in both (English and Slovak) versions from Jim as I was in touch with him for years.
seesulRoman Susil wrote at 16. 07. 2020, 10:23:
Děkujeme pane Vašku za Váš příspěvek a Vaši pochvalu. Když budete mít chuť a čas, zastavte se někdy po předchozí tel. domluvě, můžeme zajít do muzeí ve Slavišíně a v Šanově. Letos pořádáme vzpomínkové akce v pátek 28.8.2020 v Kašavě a v sobotu 29.8.2020 ve Slavičíně, Šanově, Rudicích, Přečkovicích, Krhově a Vyškovci. Během víkendu dáme plakát na webovky, tak pokud byste měl čas a porostor, přijeďte.
alexalex from Basel wrote at 21. 02. 2020, 13:50:
Greetings ,

Its a real great historical site . I am historically involved with 15th Air Force since many years and I have all history books of 15th AF Bomber and Fighter Groups , primarily my area of research covers Ploesti oil fields bombings April through August 1944.So if I can help you with anything please don't hesitate to contact me. Second of I am creating a new historial site on Slovak Uprising and my request to you if you can help me locate the names of the 15th Air Force airmen with joined end of October the US OSS mission Lt.Green n Tatra and later gave themselves up to Edelweiss 218 Einsatzkommando.
Joyce Flynn (Maiden name - Zawacki)Joyce Flynn (Maiden name - Zawacki) wrote at 24. 11. 2018, 20:39:
I sure wish I knew polish so I could read all the articles I'm seeing. My mother's brother was in a plane I believe was called " Lovely Ladies" when it went down in the White Carpathians on 8-29 in 1944 I think. His name was Frank (Francis) Balcerzak from Toledo, Ohio. Although this happened before I was born, my family talked about him often throughout my life. Today I saw pictures of what I was told was his plane crash. I'm glad my mom never saw that. It was pretty moving for me to see, and I never met him.
Thank you.
Joyce Flynn
Jaromír VašekJaromír Vašek from Opava wrote at 30. 10. 2018, 19:51:
Dobrý večer, teprve dnes jsem se dostal na vaše stránky, hlavně jsem pátral po B-17G, který spadl u Liptálu. Byl jsem na onom místě s kamarádem, který má 85 roků, za války byl u řádových sester a viděl dopad letadla. Máme i nějaké součástky, jako kousky konstrukce, holendry, čerpadlo na stavění vrtulových listů, vystřelenou nábojnici s kouskem pásu...atd. Moc fandím vašemu počínání !! S pozdravem J.Vašek
seesulRoman Susil wrote at 25. 05. 2018, 17:22:
Thank you so much for you entry Carl! Your uncle flew, as a co-pilot, with B-24H "Rough Cobb" on that day. This machine went down due to the mechanical failure. 9 airmen were captured and Adrew Solock, a tail gunner, was KIA. Btw, do you know this book?
Your uncle is mentioned there as well. Let' s keep in touch, I´ll send you an e-mail tomorrow.
Carl J. NiselyCarl J. Nisely from colorado springs wrote at 25. 05. 2018, 16:31:
my uncle, carnot (bud) j. nisely was a b25 pilot, shot down and captured, incarcerated at stalag luft1 for the remainder of the war. in this battle. i have all of his military decorations, wings, photos, etc. please contact me if you would be interested in his story. i dont have any on his captivity he did not ever discuss it with me. i can help with his personal and military data.
seesulRoman Susil wrote at 20. 11. 2017, 08:32:
Rich, thank you for your input. When did you meet the mentioned crew member? Bill Garland (1st pilot) and Leo Zupan (co-pilot) visited Slavicin in 1994 and they visited also their machine crash site back then. After that they never showed up again. In April 2016 Bill Garland´s son Gary visited us and we showed him his dad´s crash site. This reminded me that I haven´t added pics from this visit to our web yet. Will do it soon.
The story of the mentioned machine is here (only in Czech so far)
Rich EichenbergRich Eichenberg from Chagrin Falls, Ohio USA wrote at 19. 11. 2017, 16:13:
Thank you so much for keeping these memories alive. I lived in Novy Jicin for about four years and recall attending a memorial for a downed US bomber about 20-30km away. It was very moving and included a member of the crew which went down.
seesulRoman Susil wrote at 06. 11. 2016, 00:24:
Thank you very much Michael for contacting us this way! One of the purposes of this web is to show the families of those US flyboys that we haven´t forgotten their personal sacrifice. I´m glad you found this web and time to write us. Let´s keep in touch, I sent you 2 e-mails today.

Michael SulkeyMichael Sulkey from Chagrin Falls, Ohio wrote at 05. 11. 2016, 02:17:
Thank you so much for posting this. The fate of my Uncle Frank Sulkey had been a mystery to me my whole life, and now I know what happened to him. My father told me briefly that his brother was a bombardier, and his aircraft had been lost in battle, but he never seemed to have details when I asked him. Now I know. Thank you so much!
seesulRoman Susil wrote at 31. 08. 2015, 23:07:
Zdravím pane Čupr,
ano, vzpomínám si na Vás a děkujeme za Váš odkaz. Pokud jste zaregistrovaný na FB a chcete sledovat naše aktivity a nové poznatky, připojte se k nám zde
Pavel ČuprPavel Čupr from Hodonín wrote at 31. 08. 2015, 10:31:
Dobrý den,
potkali jsme se v sobotu 29.8.2015 v Bošáci. Nějaké fotky jsou na
Zdravím a přeju hodně úspěchů
Pavel Čupr
seesulRoman Susil wrote at 03. 07. 2015, 23:47:
Thank you Scott for your entry. You were the first one from 2 BW officers who visited our country and participated on the anniversary commemoration and we will always appreciate it. Those fallen flyboys deserved it.
For sure, and you know it, the door to our country for you and your family will always be open.