1 LT Merrill A. Prentice

Hodnost/Rank 1nd Lt
Jméno/Name Merrill A. Prentice
Jednotka/Unit 20 BS, 2 BG
Místo a datum narození/Birth date and place 13.6.19181, Painesville, Lake County, Ohio, USA
Místo a datum úmrtí/Death date and place 29.8.1944, Vyskovec, Czech republic
Místo posledního odpočinku/Grave location Evergreen Cemetery, Painesville, Lake County, Ohio, USA


MERRILL A. PRENTICE                                        1918 – 1944

Merrill A. Prentice se narodil 13. června 1918 1921 v Painesville, ve státě Ohio v USA.

Zahynul při náletu na Moravskou Ostravu dne 29.8.1944.

Jeho rodiče byli Allan Leonard Prentice (1893 – 1966) a Sarah Evelyn Blackmore Prentice (1892 – 1982). Měl sestry Marjorie Prentice Coutts (1926 – 2023) a Ruth Evalyn Prentice Mason (1922 – 2009).

Zdroj: www.findagrave.com a paní Cindy Priest, neteř



MERRILL A. PRENTICE                                        1918 – 1944

Merrill A. Prentice was born on June 13, 1918 in Painesville, Ohio.

He was KIA on August 29, 1944 during a raid on Moravska Ostrava.

His parents were Allan Leonard Prentice (1893 – 1966) and Sarah Evelyn Blackmore (1892-1982). He had two sisters – Marjorie Prentice Coutts (1926 – 2023) and Ruth Evalyn Prentice Mason (1922 – 2009).

Source: www.findagrave.com and Cindy Priest, niece

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Zdroj fotografií – Jan Mahr, historik a spisovatel a Cindy Priest, neteř/ Source of the pics – Jan Mahr, historian and Cindy Priest, niece